Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Surf Report From South Africa

Dear TTS 12 Parents, Family, and Friends,

The Billabong Pro Surf Tour is wrapping up here in world- renowned Jeffrey's Bay, South Africa. It has been an eventful week with quite a showcase of talent and fierce competition among our TTS 12 contenders. The girls took Jeffrey's Bay by storm as they rolled into town in their conspicuous blue truck towering over the Main Street shops. The girls, from all parts of the United States, braved the cold waters in full wet suits with nothing but smiles. Nothing could stand in the way of this vivacious, thrill-seeking group as they quickly picked up the skills needed to catch wave after wave.

Contender Highlights
Nilsa: Don't let the leg brace fool you folks, Nilsa is a natural talent catching wave after wave and riding them to shore.
Katie: Katie showed off that “East Coast style” with some fancy footwork to the envy of others.
Ginny: It must be her dancing background that had Ginny standing from the very first wave, what grace and style.
Sarah: Taking to water sports as well as she does downhill skiing, Sarah is someone to watch out for.
Evelina: Evelina's smile, positive attitude, and perseverance make her a well-respected competitor.
Maggie: Bringing her own style to the competition, Maggie is a fantastic wave catcher on her tummy!
Emmy: Shear determination has earned Emmy a place in this competition. With quick turn around and paddling skills Emmy is a natural talent.
Mallory: A favorite of the photographers, Mallory graces the waves with her smooth style: was she always meant to be riding waves?
Ellie: A crowd favorite, this positive contender brings cheers to all the surfers out there.
KD: Also a crowd favorite with great wipeouts, KD's fearlessness keeps us on the edge of our seats.
Quinn: Improving steadily throughout the competition, Quinn is one to watch out for with her beautiful rides to shore.
Cheyenne: Taking to the sport like a natural, Cheyenne is a consistent competitor with some great long rides.
Taylor: One of our hardcore competitors, Taylor suffered a toe injury during the first heat is back with sheer determination.
Lehana: Improving her skills from her last competition in Peru, South America, Lehana is always up for a fun rejuvenating surf session.
Melissa: Quite the thrill seeker, Melissa takes to the waves without a second thought and inspires those around her with her enthusiasm.
Grace: Also improving from her last competition in Peru, Grace challenged herself in the surf earning much respect from the crowd.
McKenna: She's still up folks! McKenna's long rides to shore earned her the longest ride of the day award!
Kara: A tough competitor, Kara's determination and great spirit are hard to beat.

Not only do the TTS 12 girls take to the waves but they also endure rigorous academics on the side. Some recent highlights include a visit to the village of Qunu where Nelson Mandela grew up. That night the girls gathered in one of the traditional rondovals and read aloud excerpts from Mandela’s autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom, by oil lamp. At the museum the next day they saw photographs, video clips, and heard audio recordings of momentous events during Mandela’s life and the anti-apartheid struggle.

Another highlight was a visit to a Khosa village in Mdumbi, a small village located right on the coast in the Transkei. The girls learned some Khosa phrases, had an inside look in some of the village huts, and got to ask our guide Lesandro's family about daily life in the village. While in Mdumbi the girls also learned about the non-profit organization, Transcape, dedicated to community development in the area. We stayed at their eco-lodge, which is dedicated to sustainable living practices such recycling their own water and running off of solar power. The girls left incredibly inspired and eager to get involved.

The TTS 12 crew been practicing for the Billabong Pro Tour and taking advantage of the culture that surrounds them on their travels, but if that wasn't enough, they have also been preparing for midterm finals. Yes folks, I don’t know how they do it; this crew is extremely diligent when it comes to their work. In Science they are designing their own reserve park complete with conservation ethic and endangered species; in Literature the girls are working hard on editing pieces for their midterm writing portfolios; in Nutrition the girls are learning the basics of wilderness first aid; and in Math Applications the students are learning about credit cards and continue to balance their expenses and income in the Game of Life. They are also in the process of reviewing for tests, which are just around the corner in History and Language.

So as you can see the last couple weeks have been packed with adventure for these young professional surfers. It is inspiring to be around such a group. Stay tuned for updates from their next adventure as they move west towards Cape Town.

Dawn Card
South Africa Surf Desk

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Packages from home

I have sent a couple of small packages to Katie with some candy and photos and I don't really know what else she can use. Anybody have any other suggestions for something that the girls really enjoy or appreciate while they are in Africa? Also, if it is not too late, is there something that I could send for the family that she will be staying with? Thanks - and thanks to everyone for the stories and information that they have shared to date. I check out the blog every day and I'm so excited when I get to read something new - so keep it coming!

Mary Bentley (Katie's mom)

Book Recommendations

I've come to realize that I don't have as much of an understanding of the history/culture that my daughter is immersed in as I'd like to have.Years ago I read "African Women" by Mark Mathabane on the perseverance of three generations of women in his family-- from his grandmother to his sister-- through extraordinary conditions in South Africa. I'm not always a big non-fiction reader but I remember being captivated.

Just wondering if any of you have recommendations...

Vivienne Frederick

Thursday, October 2, 2008

In a student's words..

If any of you would like to share in Melissa's descriptions of her experiences, you can find her blog here. Happy reading.


"Never doubt that a small group of people can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has." ~Margaret Mead